please note that it is not open source.

NumBox ~ Licensing Terms
Free for Commercial or Non-Commercial Use
Copyright Information
NumBox jQuery Plugin copyright © 2012-2025 is a registered DBA (doing business as) name of Neil B. Cresswell, (NumBox jQuery Plugin’s author.)
The .css file in the NumBox jQuery Plugin .zip file is provided only as a convenience for NumBox jQuery Plugin users.
It is not claimed in the above-listed copyright, and is not part of NumBox jQuery Plugin. This .css file contains
non-obvious public domain cascading style sheet settings that may be particularly useful for styling numeric inputs.
The NumBox jQuery Plugin consists solely of JavaScript/ECMAScript code and associated code comments.
Free License Terms
You are hereby permitted to obtain copies of NumBox jQuery Plugin, and use and distribute the same, including
in your for-profit projects, but only providing that you understand and agree to all of the following requirements:
You may not modify or truncate any NumBox jQuery Plugin JavaScript/ECMAScript files.
This includes modifying or removing the copyright notice or reference to this web site. -
You may not directly link a web site or mobile web application to any JavaScript file hosted on this site.
The only pages or files you may link to on this web site are, (preferred,) or -
A web URL linking back to this site is not required, but it is strongly encouraged, as this will help others who may be
looking for a solution that NumBox jQuery Plugin can provide. If you are developing a commercial site and don’t want
to put a link there, please consider a short post or shout out on LinkedIn or Google+, etc. -
NumBox jQuery Plugin is provided "as-is", without any warranty whatsoever, either express or implied.
NumBox jQuery Plugin may not be suitable for any particular purpose and may contain errors or omissions,
and as such, you agree to hold the developer and copyright holder of NumBox jQuery Plugin harmless from
all claims, damages or liabilities relating directly or indirectly to your use or distribution of NumBox jQuery
Plugin and indemnify the developer and copyright holder for the same. -
These terms shall be subject to the venue and jurisdiction of the court of law closest to the permanent residence
of NumBox jQuery Plugin’s copyright holder, providing that this arrangement is preferred by said copyright holder,
but shall nevertheless be construed according to the law of the aforementioned venue. -
Derivative works that are jQuery plugins are not permitted without the written consent of NumBox jQuery Plugin’s
copyright holder. - All distributed copies of NumBox jQuery Plugin shall be subject to this same license.